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The Case Of An Artist's Instagram Profile Traffic Tanking Overnight

Earlier this year, I met another fellow copywriter who introduced me to a creatives network called GFTD.

Usually, the members would meet every Monday evening at a bar in New York City.

But since that can’t happen anymore, we have group Zoom calls where people from all over the world join in.

There was one day where we were discussing how artists can get more eyes on their work through Instagram.

One woman who’s an artist (or graphic illustrator, I don’t exactly remember) shared her experience on Instagram with everyone.

Basically, she spent countless hours building up her profile page to get thousands of followers and over one thousand visitors per week.

Then one day, Instagram decided to change their algorithm (again).

Did that affect her Instagram presence?

You bet it did.

Nowadays, she no longer gets over a thousand visitors a week. She only gets around 200 visitors a week.

Was she frustrated?


Can she do anything about it?

At this point she has two options. If she still wants to showcase her work to the Instagram community, she has no choice but to play by their rules and spend time rebuilding her traffic. But I think we all know that Instagram will change their algorithm again and she has to rebuild again. And it just becomes a vicious cycle.

She also has the option to get her visitors onto an email list and build up her fanbase that way too. She doesn’t have to worry about algorithm changes anymore and she’ll have more control over her online presence.

I have a chapter in "How to Become an Email Titan" that teaches you how to build a responsive email list, which you can read in the sample chapters you can get by using the link below.

About the author:

Ellisen Wang is an email copywriter and the author of “How to Become an Email Titan.” You can read the sample chapters of the book and learn how to write email copy that your subscribers will never get enough of and will make them want to buy from you by opting in at When you opt in, you’ll also get daily copywriting, email marketing, and business tips sent straight to your inbox. If you don't want to optin, you can also read through the blog and listen to the audios for more marketing content and training.